BharatBills is not only a Billing software but also a basic accounting software in which you can maintain the customer ledger as well. Our Business is based on the how many number of sales we have in a day and sale depends on customers. In business we have two type of sales like CASH Sale and Credit Sale in BharatBills you can easily maintain both, if you want to maintain the customer account like ledger etc so you can add customer but if you want to go with Cash sale than there is no need to add a customer you can directly go with sales. In BharatBills you have a separate module of customer-
You can go with –
- Add Customer – Allow you to add new Customer,
- View Customer – List of all Customer,
- Add Receipt- You can add Payment Receipt for any customer,
- View Receipt- All receipts list , you can take print from here also.
Click on Add Customer for adding a new customer in your business it will open a screen which will be like –

This customer add form have few mandatory field Customer name , Phone, Address, State rest filed is your choice that you want to enter those details for that customer or not, few field have self definition like-
- If Customer is GSTN so you can add customer GSTN in software so that your customer can avail the benefit of GST and sale for that customer will be consider as B2B sales.
- if customer have any previous pending balance and you want to maintain the customer account than please enter the pending balance in opening balance field and select the type –
- Debit – which mean you have to receive that amount from customer end
- Credit – which mean you have to pay customer e.g you received any advance payment from customer end.
- There are 3 field which you can maintain for every customer for example if you want to maintain few extra details for your customer but those field is not available in this form so you can change the field name according to you and those fields are PAN, TAN, CIN . you can go with configuration->master configuration and change accordingly if required.
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