The goods sent for job work can be raw material, component parts, semi-finished goods, and the finished goods can be a variation of the same or the complete product. The raw materials/components/semi-finished goods are sent for the processing by the job worker and the activity is undertaken known as job work. The processes undertaken can be like machining, welding, painting, electroplating, assembly, etc.,
Return of goods to the principal is a very important aspect under job work. Inputs and/or capital goods sent to a job worker are required to be returned to the principal within 1 year (in case of inputs) and 3 years (in case of capital goods) from the date of sending such goods to the job worker.
Steps to receive product from Job Work
- Click on Delivery challan – Receive from Job Work -> Add

- Enter the Challan Number
- Select The Rate
- Search the Job Worker Name
- Enter the details of product received from job worked end in Item Generated section
- Enter the details of the Product used at the job worker end in Item consumed section
- Enter The remarks
- Click on Save
- Once you will click on Save button System will work on Stock as per the product received quantity and will maintain the job worker pending product also.
How to To View the Received document list from Job Worker End
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