The receipt record stores all the information about the receipt you need to track and manage. When you open a receipt, general information about the receipt appears at the top of the page, including the receipt number, receipt date, and received by information.There is a list of all your receipt which will show your all payment receipt with the basic details. You can click on Customer -> View Receipt that section have the view like –

its already informed that Cash sale automatically add a receipt of same amount. once you will click on view receipt it show you last one month receipt list if you want to check all receipt that click on view all button which is on the top right corner, for a particular duration you can select the date duration on the same corner you can take a print out of the receipt and can send a sms for receipt to customer .
For Modification in any receipt –
- Click on details option in front of receipt in which you want to change.
- A new screen will be like
- Click on Edit button for modification
- Once you will click on edit button it will allow you to modify limited things like
- Customer Name
- Amount
- Bank name
- Remarks

- Click on Update button if you want to save the changes and rest related things will be modified accordingly.
More Useful Link –