A document that signifies that a person or organization has sold goods to another person or customer is called a bill of sale. It is regarded as a legal document and can be used as valid proof in all legal matters. A bill of sale serves as a record of that particular sale to a customer.
A user can view the list of all sale bill, click on Sales -> Sales Invoice -> View.

That section will contain the list of sale bills, by default last one-month bills listed here, if you want to check the all bills than click on view all, at the top right corner otherwise you can select the duration.

This is the view of sale bills, There are options are like
- the view- user can open the sale bill and can take a print out.
- Full Page – Invoice will be on the size of A4 paper
- Half Page – Invoice on a half page
- edit- click on this button if you want to modify the bill.
- delete – Want to delete the sale bill than click on the delete button. A user can delete only last bill.
- Payment – Click on Payment option and it will redirect to you on the payment page.
Edit Sale bill will open the same bill for editing like

change accordingly and click on the update button. Once you will click on update system will update the sale invoice as well customer account and product stock.
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